Попробуйте совершенно бесплатно
Мы предлагаем 30-дневную бесплатную пробную версию наших услуг без каких-либо обязательств. Вам не нужно вводить способ оплаты и не нужно отменять услугу, если вы не хотите ее сохранять.
Отличные цены
В Inleed мы стремимся предлагать первоклассные услуги по выдающимся ценам для всех, независимо от бюджета.
Поддержка мирового уровня
Наша преданная команда поддержки всегда готова помочь 365 дней в году. Вы можете легко связаться с нами по телефону, электронной почте или в чате.
Свобода по-настоящему
Наши услуги предоставляются без периода обязательств или срока уведомления. Мы верим в свободу и гибкость для наших клиентов.
Что вы хотите попробовать?
Выберите нужную услугу, чтобы попробовать. Если вы хотите сохранить услугу после пробного периода, просто продлите ее.
Выберите желаемый пакет
Выберите подходящий пакет для ваших нужд. Впоследствии вы можете легко сменить версию вашего пакета. Технические характеристики смотрите здесь: Веб-хостинг
Основной домен
Введите доменное имя, которое вы хотите использовать в качестве основного домена для веб-хостинга.
Если у вас еще нет домена, вы можете заказать его на этой странице.
Выберите желаемый пакет
Выберите подходящий пакет для ваших нужд. После этого вы можете легко сменить свой пакет. Технические характеристики смотрите здесь: Виртуальные серверы
Выберите операционную систему
Выберите желаемую операционную систему, с которой будет установлен VPS. Всегда есть возможность переустановить с другой ОС.
Какой тип VPN?
Выбирайте между обычным VPN или VPN с фиксированным общедоступным IP-адресом.
Вся информация ниже необходима для ведения аккаунта. Конечно, можно удалить учетную запись, если вы не хотите ее сохранять.
Создайте учетную запись и начните пробный период
Мы решили, что вам необходимо войти в систему с помощью BankID, чтобы вы впервые попробовали наши услуги бесплатно. Нажимая «Создать учетную запись», вы создаете учетную запись и утверждаете наши. Условия и положения
Позвольте нашим специалистам взять на себя весь процесс перехода от предыдущего поставщика
Наша помощь в миграции — это простое решение, если вы хотите без головной боли сменить поставщика. Мы берем на себя всю миграцию — от ваших веб-сайтов и адресов электронной почты до баз данных и настроек DNS. Все это без каких-либо простоев и, конечно же, совершенно бесплатно.
Мы помогаем вам переместить
Адрес электронной почты
Квалифицированная и доступная поддержка - ежедневно
В Inleed вы найдете доступную, быструю и компетентную поддержку — каждый день недели, круглый год. Мы — ваша правая рука, всегда готовая решить проблемы или предложить лучшее решение для вас.
Включено во все планы и услуги
Доступно по электронной почте, в чате и по телефону
Открыто с 08 по 21 по будням и с 09 по 21 по выходным.
Мы говорим на шведском и английском языках
Что наши клиенты думают об Inleed?
Мы прилагаем все усилия, чтобы вы чувствовали, что находитесь в хорошей компании. Мы стараемся удовлетворить все потребности наших клиентов и всегда прилагаем усилия, чтобы сделать вашу повседневную жизнь в Интернете немного проще.
Счет 4.9 /5 из 449 обзоров
Написано Ethen D. На Google
Top. Freakin'. Notch.
Had many hotel/domain lives. with the years. The only bad thing is that I didn't switch to Inleed earlier. Inleed is far, far above standard. Actually has nothing negative at all, which is a strange feeling. Top. Freakin'. Notch.
Написано Carl S. На Google
Never been better
Inleed is the best web host I've had my websites on. They have never loaded faster, the service, ease of use and customer support has never been better. That they are a web host that cares about their customers is clearly visible.
My only regret is that I didn't discover them long before!
Написано Självförsvarsskolan На Google
Exceeds our expectations
We have used Inleed for many years and are more than satisfied. They offer a stable service and have a support that constantly exceeds our expectations. The response time is lightning fast and the problem-solving skills are good. Regardless of who answers, the service experience is total. Highly recommended.
Написано Christer J. На Google
Exemplary customer service and hosting
By far the best payment solution for the services, as smoothly as possible. Here the competitors have something to learn. That UI is also much better and Inleed is my first choice all day. Exemplary customer service and hosting.
Написано Lasse S. На Google
Constantly impressed
Customer for many years and I am constantly impressed by how easy and smooth all support works. Quick and competent responses and extremely helpful.
Have had more than a few different suppliers over the years and none even come close to how satisfied I am with Inleed.
Написано Henrik O. На Google
Unbelievably good prices
This can't be done any better. Great selection seasoned with insanely good prices and the industry's best support. Always recommend these to others.
Написано Christopher C. На Google
Fixes problems in no time
Fantastic support, nice uptime, good functions and above all they have a good grasp of their stuff and fix any problems in no time. Can really be warmly recommended.
Написано Robin H. На Google
15 out of 10 possible
Inleed is one of the best and most affordable web hosts I have used. Their support is top notch phenomenal - all categories! 15 out of 10 possible ⭐️
Написано Sporttema Sverige На Google
Great support and great prices.
Написано Henrik E. На Google
Inleed does the opposite
While many companies use "support" as a wall to make themselves unreachable, Inleed does the opposite. Always quick answers and effective solutions to the questions and problems that arise. Inleed provides the best support I have ever experienced from a company, all categories.
Написано Olof B. На Google
Highly recommend
Inleed has, without exaggeration, the absolute nicest, most helpful and not least the fastest support I've come across. Highly recommend them and their services!
Написано Ludvig D. На Google
Absolutely incredible support
Absolutely incredible support, Got help late at night when I had problems and confusion with the website and got all the help I needed. Even the control panel and website servers are incredibly good and perform well much better than previous web hosting providers.
Написано Johan L. На Google
We are now celebrating one year as a customer of Inleed! Inleed has a high availability on its servers, which is important to us as our server is operationally critical.
As a supplier, Inleed is proactive and always communicates with clear and early information and responds quickly if there are follow-up questions. We are still impressed by how carefree it is to be a customer of Inleed and how easy it is when we need help with something.
Inleed has, just like they write, world-class support!
Написано Peter K. На Google
Five stars are not enough
Написано Anders B. На Google
Absolutely wonderful customer support
Absolutely wonderful customer support. Short waiting times and support that explains in a simple way and is more than helpful.
Написано Ethen D. На Google
Top. Freakin'. Notch.
Had many hotel/domain lives. with the years. The only bad thing is that I didn't switch to Inleed earlier. Inleed is far, far above standard. Actually has nothing negative at all, which is a strange feeling. Top. Freakin'. Notch.
Написано Carl S. На Google
Never been better
Inleed is the best web host I've had my websites on. They have never loaded faster, the service, ease of use and customer support has never been better. That they are a web host that cares about their customers is clearly visible.
My only regret is that I didn't discover them long before!
Написано Självförsvarsskolan На Google
Exceeds our expectations
We have used Inleed for many years and are more than satisfied. They offer a stable service and have a support that constantly exceeds our expectations. The response time is lightning fast and the problem-solving skills are good. Regardless of who answers, the service experience is total. Highly recommended.
Написано Christer J. На Google
Exemplary customer service and hosting
By far the best payment solution for the services, as smoothly as possible. Here the competitors have something to learn. That UI is also much better and Inleed is my first choice all day. Exemplary customer service and hosting.
Написано Lasse S. На Google
Constantly impressed
Customer for many years and I am constantly impressed by how easy and smooth all support works. Quick and competent responses and extremely helpful.
Have had more than a few different suppliers over the years and none even come close to how satisfied I am with Inleed.
Написано Henrik O. На Google
Unbelievably good prices
This can't be done any better. Great selection seasoned with insanely good prices and the industry's best support. Always recommend these to others.
Написано Christopher C. На Google
Fixes problems in no time
Fantastic support, nice uptime, good functions and above all they have a good grasp of their stuff and fix any problems in no time. Can really be warmly recommended.
Написано Robin H. На Google
15 out of 10 possible
Inleed is one of the best and most affordable web hosts I have used. Their support is top notch phenomenal - all categories! 15 out of 10 possible ⭐️
Написано Sporttema Sverige На Google
Great support and great prices.
Написано Henrik E. На Google
Inleed does the opposite
While many companies use "support" as a wall to make themselves unreachable, Inleed does the opposite. Always quick answers and effective solutions to the questions and problems that arise. Inleed provides the best support I have ever experienced from a company, all categories.
Написано Olof B. На Google
Highly recommend
Inleed has, without exaggeration, the absolute nicest, most helpful and not least the fastest support I've come across. Highly recommend them and their services!
Написано Ludvig D. На Google
Absolutely incredible support
Absolutely incredible support, Got help late at night when I had problems and confusion with the website and got all the help I needed. Even the control panel and website servers are incredibly good and perform well much better than previous web hosting providers.
Написано Johan L. На Google
We are now celebrating one year as a customer of Inleed! Inleed has a high availability on its servers, which is important to us as our server is operationally critical.
As a supplier, Inleed is proactive and always communicates with clear and early information and responds quickly if there are follow-up questions. We are still impressed by how carefree it is to be a customer of Inleed and how easy it is when we need help with something.
Inleed has, just like they write, world-class support!
Написано Peter K. На Google
Five stars are not enough
Написано Anders B. На Google
Absolutely wonderful customer support
Absolutely wonderful customer support. Short waiting times and support that explains in a simple way and is more than helpful.